Rose Bath Ritual

Rose Bath Ritual

Rebecca Campbell
Rose Bath Ritual Audio
Rebecca CampbellRose Bath Ritual Audio

For this ritual you will need

  • A bathtub or a basin
  • 1–3 cups of Epsom salts (optional, food grade)
  • 1–3 cups of baking soda (optional, food grade)
  • Rose tea, already steeped (for drinking and bathing in)
  • Candle(s) and something to light it with
  • A selection of items that hold the essence of the Rose to bathe with
  • Some ideas to spark your imagination: a fresh rose, if you can source one, fresh rose petals (fallen ones are perfect; they don’t need to be new) or you can use dried roses instead, rose-scented candle(s), or a drop of rose oil in a candle is just as good and probably more affordable, rose essential oil (with a carrier oil like coconut) or rose bath oil